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World War One Stats
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British lost 1,000,000 men before the war was over.  The French lost over 1,700,000.  Most of the men are still missing in action.  Russia lost over 1,000,000 before February.  Austria lost over 1,000,000 men.  The Turks lost so many men they were not even counted.  Europe all together lost over 20,000,000 during the winter.

 This graph is based off of data of WWI lost men.

Men lost from Russia, France, UK, and Austria.
This is a chart of how many men were lost.

World War One was bloody war which we did not wish to fight in.  World War One caused many other minor wars after it had ended over territory and who was on whose side.  WWI happened to lead up to WW2 which is one of the bloodiest wars that was ever fought.  These totals only reflect a small amount of people in the graph to the right. 

Chart and Top Article written by Michael.
Right Article written by Drew.